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Range Rovers, Ruin & Redemption: Iceland’s 2008 Crash
February 01, 202500:52:5758.96 MB

Range Rovers, Ruin & Redemption: Iceland’s 2008 Crash

2008 was a monumental year- financial markets collapsed and many countries, including Ireland, where both myself and Keith live, found out pretty quickly that we’d been living in a bubble. And while the impact of this crash affected so many people around the world, I don’t think any other country...

Adam Neuman of WeWork- A Great Salesman Or A Great Bullshitter
January 01, 202501:11:5966.63 MB

Adam Neuman of WeWork- A Great Salesman Or A Great Bullshitter

The WeWork story is one that most of us are familiar with but as you’d expect we go deep into how Nueman was able to raise billions from some of the savviest investors, and from other investors like Softbank, who, as we find out, aren’t very savvy at all. What I love about this story is that as s...

LIBOR Exposed: How the real scandal was buried
December 01, 202400:59:0554.69 MB

LIBOR Exposed: How the real scandal was buried

this is such a fascinating story for so many different reasons- we have traders who were found guilty and sent to jail in the UK for a crime that that apparently wasn’t a crime We have senior bankers caught on tape talking about collusion and openly manipulating the interest rates and yet they we...

The MySpace Meltdown: Murdoch, Missteps, and the Lost Battle for Social Media
November 01, 202401:02:4958.15 MB

The MySpace Meltdown: Murdoch, Missteps, and the Lost Battle for Social Media

In this episode we dig down into the very beginnings of social media, where MySpace was streets ahead of everyone else. And then Rupert Murdoch, the most famous, the most feared and perhaps one if not the most successful media tycoons of the 20th century enters the fray and I don’t know about you...

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